The R&R Podcast
Our Story
One day, while scrolling through Facebook, I came across a post by a Romanian in Los Angeles who wrote a book called Out of the Transylvania Night. Her name is Aura Imbarus. She has a doctoral degree in World Humanities and teaches English at both the college and high school level. She is a cultural ambassador for Romania; publisher of the inspirational, literary See Beyond magazine; and a life coach, certified by Mary Morrissey’s DreamBuilder Program. She also considers Dr. Brian Weiss, Bob Proctor, and Dr. Joe Dispenza extremely influential in her personal and professional development.
Intrigued, I wanted to know more about Aura’s story. But I didn’t reach out to her then. Perhaps, I was too preoccupied with writing my own story. Or maybe it just wasn’t the right time.
It took me almost ten years to realize that my past is just a story I tell myself and others. Our real story lies somewhere between who we think we are and what we think we want. Eventually, I invited Aura to dinner so we could talk about our mutual passion for helping others.
Aura was warm, unpretentious, and hilarious. I was impressed, which doesn’t happen often. Within minutes, Aura welcomed me into her world. With my extensive experience as a business owner, I have learned how to find extraordinary people, like Aura. I immediately realized that we need to capture that magic and share it with others. The R&R Podcast was born.
My insights as a world-champion athlete with extensive experience in human performance coupled with Aura’s poignant and witty words of wisdom can be a tremendous benefit for anyone ready to reach the next performance level.
If you’re looking to change your life and would like to enjoy some lively intellectual banter, too, let Aura and me introduce you to a world of passion, knowledge, and positivity.
The energy between us is Raw, and it’s Real! Please enjoy our episodes and programs!
All the best,
PS: Would you like to be a guest on The R&R Podcast? Learn more!